Friday, January 30, 2009

New Design

New design... will be up on design by humans soon. Also, pvt, yeah I thought the same thing when I was making my first design, but then i say, hey... maybe this will help me atleast get my name out there. Also, the money i could win can help go into making my own online shop and stuff, so its not too bad. I can always come up with like 1000 designs haha

1 comment:

  1. i just think there must be SOMETHING we could collaberate on... im working on something im calling "friend role call" where i do a sketch of all my friends, and do it into a sort of "class picture"

    but i've been thinking of doing some t-shirt designs... your stuff is really cool...i just think.. well anyways if you have some time to spare, check out my new art thread:

    like i say ive been thinking about the same kind of stuff, well anyways, if any of this inspires you, you can pm me on newgrounds...

    talk to you later
