Monday, February 9, 2009

Plans and Goals for 2009

I woke up this morning with a clear vision of what I want and need to do for this year in order to get my freelance career off the ground

1. Website
One of the most important things that I need to do is create a website. Since I'm taking a class for web design, I'll be able to make my own website as a project and launch it sometime in June. I think this would be beneficial in having a place for people to see my artwork, news, and everything in one location. It will also give me a professional look as well. I always wanted to have my own website. I was actually planning on opening a web shop, but decided it would be best to have a portfolio type of website. I figured since I'll be entering alot of design contest of different natures, that I will just make a web page where I link to places were you can buy designs created by me that are winning submissions or something like that

2. Get in Galleries
The next thing I want to do is have my artwork in atleast two galleries. I plan on making some very large and well thought out prints during March, so look out for that.

3. Make a flash game
I plan on making just one flash game this year. The reason why I am only shooting for one is because I am going to be way to busy with designing that I won't have any time asside for it. Hopefully I can finish a game by October

4. Finish Wizard Kin and atleast one other animation
Wizard Kin is gonna take most of my time more than any other project this year. I might have to actually cut corners to get it done in March. After Wizard Kin, that will be it for a while. I'll be mainly focusing on designing t-shirts, prints, shoes, and etc. As much as I love animating, I have to look at what's more important for my portfolio and stuff. I have enough animations to show in my portfolio and I'll have animation projects that I have to do for school that will take up mucho time hahah

5. Make as many designs as I can
During the year I will be breaking my back to make designs for shoes, t-shirts, hoodies, decks, and an array of other things for my portfolio. This is looking to be one of my busiest years yet

6. Purchase a DV camera
Hopefully I can save up enough money to buy a tricked out dv camera to start making short films and shoot some cool photography. I'll need about 6000 for the camera that I am thinking of. I'm hoping to also open myself up to filming concerts on my spare time. Animal Collective is coming to Austin in June so hopefully I can get one by then and get a press pass so I can film and take some photographs

7. Work on my writing
Last year I wrote my first script as practice. I haven't sold it yet and I probably don't plan on selling it, but this year I want to finish my script for a graphic novel I have in mind that will hopefully go into production next year and finish a script called Marinate with Knives that is still sitting quietly on my computer. It's a comedy and it's turning out pretty well. I actually plan on selling that one seeing as I want to write something differently if I ever plan on filming something myself

That's about everything I can think of at the moment, I'll be giving updates and stuff as always. Once I launch my website, this blog page will become obsolete :(. Haha can't wait to see how it will turn out

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