Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Probably gonna sell from home

So because of how high the price on the internet is due to the companies taking so much out of the total price, I have decided to go ahead and print them myself. That way atleast it will cost you guys much less. It will be new for me to manage my own store at home, but I will find a way to get it done. I plan on opening a shop so you guys will be able to place your orders. Since I have to print them myself, They will only come in large size I think. If you want massive or any other size it will cost extra. Im gonna go ahead and list how I'm planning on making this work.

Either I'll have you guys send me your info and stuff so i can mail it to your straight from this website or make a shop.

Then once I think I have enough orders, I'll go and print them out, sign them, and send them to you guys. This will take longer than online, but I think itll be worth it. If you rather just have em sent from online, there will still be that option. However, the people that order straight from me will be way less than online from what I have gathered. You will still have to pay extra for the shipping charge for me to send it however. The post office is right down the street from where I live so I can just mail it to you. If you want overnight, let me know. that will probably cost extra.

So basically I will show you my gallery and you can chose which one you want. Then send over your info, the title of the piece and etc. Then I will try to get it to you

Does this sound like it works? I think the total for a large will come out to about 25 to 28 dollars after you add the fact that I have to print it. It'll come out to you u saving a few bucks no matter what size

I still think Imagekind is great now that I understand how the mark up works. Because it doubles the prize of how much the paper cost in order to give me 50 percent of the profit, it adds way more than it should to the price.

But yeah, they are still available online with more to come, but I'll be printing my own out soon. So I closed the deviant art one because of how ridiculously low I would get paid (A DOLLAR REALLY?) I can't even promote to other sites on deviant so I don't really know why I made that account, perhaps I can sway people to see the other site to save money or just buy it straight from me. Hopefully I clarified some stuff. Piece

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